(trust that no one is cringing harder than i am rn)
HEY, everyone. I started this blog to dump my thoughts onto the interwebs and to add something to my software/web dev portfolio. Creating a virtually and publicly accessible collection of my thoughts is daunting, but I've come to greatly value the power of communication over the past few years. Tapping into my communicative side has yielded net-positive and net-negative consequences, and it is because of these consequences that I'm writing this blog post at this moment. As a result of the conscious decision to introspect and strive toward objectivity, I am convinced that the positive and the negative both play important roles in the valuation of experiences.
What amount of information/evidence is sufficient for self-conviction? What changes in the brain at the moment in which one truly considers oneself convinced?
Anyway, I am also motivated by my journaling and the conversations I've had with others concerning some of the thoughts I've copied and pasted from mind to paper. I hope you're interested in some of these topics, and I hope we engage in some dialogue as well. I'll add a messaging or commenting feature soon, but just contact me via social media (ig) in the meantime.
I'll probably post about twice a week. I don't have a schedule yet. Might not make one. There will be a featured post on the home page, but all posts will have tags you can search for on the 'Posts' page. For now, each post will fall within one of five categories: Intellection, Music, Global, Miscellaneous, Curation. One of the tags will be the category name, so you can technically search for categories too. Still deciding whether to add a bio, but check out the quotation marks in the Nav Menu for the Quote of the Week. Maybe I should make it a bi-weekly thing...?
Thanks for joining me as I toggle the visibility of my many wandering thoughts from private to public.
Tags: welcome, init, curation